How do we get our focus back? Did we know it was even lost? I
remember back in college trying to get through my art class. It was a long
class about 6 hours. Why so long? Because it would take some time to get over to
the “right side of the brain”. The creative side. We would do exercises for the
first hour all focused on waking up the creative side of the brain and then
have the rest of the class to delve into whatever project we were working on.
Those days are long over. I am not sure I even have time to consider what part
of my brain I am using for any given project. This blog for instance. Right
brain because it is creative writing? Are analytical people left brained? Is
there even such a thing? Does it even matter if we are doing five things at
So what happens to your brain when
you are multi-tasking; Writing an email, working on a budget and memorizing your speech for the
meeting next week? Not much. Your brain really can only do one thing at a time.
No matter how hard you try. Have you even been running around the house trying
to get chores done and feel like you are getting nowhere because you leave a
room to do one thing and start doing something else? Completely forgetting that
you went to get the mop out of the closet to mop the floor and are now sweeping
the hall because the broom was right next to the mop. Permanent brain damage?
society has become so focused on multitasking that is could be causing
permanent memory loss. Stress, even minor stress, can cause a series of
reactions that can be harmful to our health.
Stress causes the body to produce adrenaline to help give us energy.
This increased energy may help the brain work faster but certainly not on more
than one task. So if we are multitasking, adrenaline will not help the brain do
two things at once. Just one faster. Neither task will be completed to the best
of your ability if at all.
Stop multitasking.
Stop trying to read and write at the same time. Demand focus. Shut off the phone if you are doing something that doesn’t warrant interruptions.
Don’t watch TV with your iPad in your lap. Plan what you are doing and stick to the plan. Work on memory recall by playing small memory games
Seek out quiet time, meditate, exercise, eat healthy and try not to do them all at the same time. Please.
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